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Probably the number one question I get asked is do we have an adoption program. The short answer is no, but maybe. The thing with ferals is we have no idea how they would adjust to life in a home. These guys and gals have lived their entire lives out here. They don't know what a litter box is. They've never been indoors. They've never heard a vacuum cleaner run or a household appliance. Our ABay Kitties are a little different in that they get a lot of human attention because of all of the visitors they meet each day but they're in their environment where they feel safe and comfortable. Adoption is not out of the question but a potential parent would have to understand the challenge and have a back up plan if placement didn't work. Now kittens are another story. A young kitten who has not yet fully adapted to the feral life can be successfully placed in a home. Here at ABay all of our furbabies are spayed and neutered so we won't be having any kittens but we can always help connect you to organizations that do.

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